Full Moon Reading for August 2020

Sadly, instead of magical summer Full moon nights we are dealing with the tail end of some southern hurricane, torrential rains, high winds and intermittent thunder storms including tornado warnings for places a little further south. 😞

Friday night the Moon was almost full and I sat outside for a while, to drum and chant and say my Prayers- until She disappeared into the large Trees surrounding the house.

Saturday and Sunday it was raining, today, Monday it is gloomy and sticky but I have not given up on tonight….


Reading with the Greenwood Tarot


1 Now: Where are you right now?

6 of Arrows – Transition

The Spirit Boat!

A fiery red Sunset and a waning Moon

The boat travels into an uncertain future

I am its hesitant passenger.

In the distance the Isle of Apples is coming into view.

Something to look forward to…..

I do know the myths surrounding it, will these apply to me, now? Soon?

The boats bow figure, its Guardian is a white Swan!

In Siberian myth the Swan Maidens bring good fortune.


2 Grateful: What are you grateful for?

The Ancestor! 

I am always grateful for the advice and the guidance of my Ancestors and my Ancestral Guardians in Animal form. To honour them I drum and sing their individual chants for them every New Moon.

There are many other things I am grateful for – Too many to mention….

Every Being, every thing I know and experienced – goo or bad… They all are the teachers to who’s drum I dance.



3 Forgive: Where is forgiveness required?

Ace of Wands

Forgiveness is indeed the very Spark of Life!

I have to forgive myself

for not being as perfect as I would like

for not getting everything done that needs doing

for giving in to my ageing body’s aches and pains and how much they slow me down.

… the list is long and all encompassing……

As I remember to forgive myself I at the same time do forgive every other human and none human Being for their idiosyncrasies, lapses, quirks and shortcomings.

Forgiveness is a daily practice – and an encouragement to try and do better and kinder next day.


4 Shine: Where do you need to shine more brightly?

The Guardian

A scarrrrry looking friend, and beloved ally, that shows situations, how they really are.

Smelly, bloody, sick dark bare bones, no frills no happy go lucky New Age all will be well angle chorus…….

I am like him/ her – the Ancestor Bear Mother.

That raises the question:

Do I reallllly neeeeeed to shine more brightly??????

If I follow the guidance of my Ancestors and my Miahanits, if I practice humility , kindness and forgiveness – then I am just muddling along like a normal human Being should. Why and for whom do I need to shine more brightly?

For others? What benefit does fake light have – and do we not have enough of that these days????

This is a slippery slope into the dark dungeon of pretending to be more/ better, than I / we actually really are.

For others? What benefit does fake light have – and do we not have enough of that these days????

This is a slippery slope into the dark dungeon of pretending to be more/ better, than I / we actually really are.

My loved ones, my patients, acquaintances they trust me because of my authenticity – and the no nonsense – no pretence approach to life – my own and theirs -in counselings and mentoring……

Sure, there is room for improvement. I should watch my tongue as far as cynicism is concerned. I can think that – but I do not need to voice it.



5 Leave: What needs to be left behind?

10 of Wands- Responsibility

Yes, In the future I will have to leave at least half of this load of sticks behind and come back for them after a little rest – or another time altogether.

What I have to leave behind is the notion, that I can still do it all at once.

Getting older does that and I have to lighten the load.

In a very literal sense my back is crumbling. The news given by the x rays is not good.

My broken vertebra is just a blob of arthritic mush.

So – the sad reality is, that I have to leave my sense of being a healthy person behind.



6 Achieve: What are you capable of achieving?

The World Tree

I am sitting on a Fall coloured branch of my personal Tree of Life.

But the world can still be my Oyster, if I act sensibly, do not over-do it and keep a positive outlook.

I am capable of achieving, what I set as my goals.

They however have to be realistic and appropriate. No problems there.

A year from now I hope the World will be much brighter and healthier as a whole. Then I/ we will also have set new goals.

Until then it is a bit of a waiting game: Walk the labyrinth beneath the Tree. It will lead you/ me through the trying times we live in right now – and also back out.

Be careful, wait it out and do not loose your positive Energy.♥


The 3 mayors  (Ancestor, Guardian and World Tree ) and where in the reading they appear, show me, that these things are “meant to be” and I am following the intended path.

The minors show things much more within my control and it is up to me to improve, as best as I can.



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